charlotte pudding

One Piece character. Pudding is the 76th child of Big Mom, an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, and a hybrid between a human and a member of the Three-Eye Tribe. Gets a crush on Sanji in the events of Whole Cake Island.

Her most defining feature is her third eye on her forehead, which is usually covered by her bang.

Having consumed the Memo Memo no Mi Devil Fruit, she can turn people's memories into strips of film and manipulate them.

海贼王角色。布丁是BIG MOM海贼团军官BIG MOM的第76个孩子,是人类与三眼族成员的混血儿。在整个蛋糕岛的事件中迷上了山治。


吃了Memo Memo no Mi恶魔果实后,她可以将人们的记忆变成胶片并操纵它们。
类型 角色
英文名 charlotte pudding
日文名 シャーロット・プリン
别名 ;シャーロット・プリン