summoned skull

Level: 6
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
ATK: 2500
DEF: 1600

A Yu-Gi-Oh! duel monster with green eyes, demon horns and wings. It was known as "Summoned Demon" or simply "Demon" in the Japanese original release. However, its name was changed into "Summoned Skull" in the international release due to 4kids' policy of avoiding any religious reference. Which leads into various support card for it retroactively treat Summoned Skull as a part of the "Archfiend" ("Demon") archtype.

Well-known as one of the key monster of Muto Yugi in the earlier part of the story.

游戏王!与绿色眼睛、恶魔角和翅膀的决斗怪物。在日本原版中它被称为“召唤恶魔”或简称为“恶魔”。然而,由于 4kids 避免提及任何宗教内容的政策,其名称在国际发行中被更改为“Summoned Skull”。这导致了各种支持卡,因为它追溯地将召唤骷髅视为“Archfiend”(“恶魔”)原型的一部分。
类型 角色
英文名 summoned skull
日文名 デーモンの召喚
别名 ;デーモンの召喚